Philippe Rauffet

International Cooperations

South Africa (2007-2009)

University of Stellenbosch

Niek du Preez, Louis Louw, Wilhelm Uys

Israel (2016 - Present)

Ariel University

Assaf Botzer, Oren Musicant

Australia (2017 - Present)

University of Adelaide, UniSA, CROSSING IRL CNRS 2010

Anna Ma-Wyatt, Siobhan Banks, Jean-Philippe Diguet, Cedric Buche

Links between Research and Teaching

Science festival

Responsible for the organization of Lab-STICC workshops during the Science Festival 2014


Design in 2020 of an online lecture in English, based on my research works, dealing with the assessment of operator cognitive states, in the course « Human and Organizational Factors in Maritime Domain »

Industry 4.0 for teaching and research

Responsible of the technologic platform of the Bachelor department between 2012 and 2014 (supervision of engineer student projects, management of the investments for new equipments),

Responsible of a CPER Workpackage on Human Factors in Industry 4.0 since 2021

Research Projects

National Projects

4 projects funded by the French National Research Agency: ANR grants for ASTRID TAPAS project 100k€, RODIC project 130k€, HUMANISM project 30k€, PILOT 2.0 project 120k€,

1 project funded by the French Defense Agency: DGA PhD grant 50k€,

4 projects funded by the French Environment Agency: ADEME grants for SOLENN project 200k€, AERONAV projects 40k€, PASSION project 40 k€, SEANATIC project 500k€.

Industrial Projects

Collaboration contracts with AXA (15k€), IRT System X Renault (10k€), Naval Group (30k€), SEGULA Technologies (30k€), Dassault Aviation (40k€), Thalès (PEA MMT: 120k€), Airbus (30k€).

Editorial Activities

Member of the scientific committee of an international conference:

Conference H-Workload (Dublin, Juin 2017, Amsterdam, 2018, Roma, 2019)

Reviewer for international journals 

IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Cognition Technology and Work, Frontiers in Psychology

Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Fire Safety Journal, Applied Ergonomics

Applied Sciences, Sensors, International Journal of Product Life Management, International Journal of Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE VR